
Web2 vs. Web3 - Which Is Better?

Web2 vs. Web3 - Which Is Better?
While the current version of the Internet, Web2, is used by millions, it is not without its flaws. Issues regarding data ownership, censorship, and security continue to plague the Internet, spurring the conceptualization of a new and improved version called Web3. This future Internet seeks to include technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented reality (AR). At its core, an ideal Web3 should offer benefits such as data ownership and confidentiality. Web3 is touted to be an improved version of Web2 but what exactly is it, and is it better?
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What Is an ICO (Initial Coin Offering)?

What Is an ICO (Initial Coin Offering)?
An Initial Coin Offering (or ICO) is a method for teams to raise funds for a project in the cryptocurrency space. In an ICO, teams generate blockchain-based tokens to sell to early supporters. This serves as a crowdfunding phase – users receive tokens that they can use (either immediately or in the future), and the project receives money to fund development.
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How to Build a Well-Balanced Crypto Portfolio

How to Build a Well-Balanced Crypto Portfolio
Balancing a crypto portfolio is not that different from balancing a traditional portfolio. You can easily reduce your overall risk according to your profile and investment strategy. All it takes to get started is simply diversifying your investments among different cryptocurrencies.
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General Security Principles

General Security Principles
Cryptocurrencies have brought lots of exciting possibilities, but they are also full of risks and dangers for the inexperienced. Follow the three main security principles outlined below to mitigate some risks associated with using, holding, and trading cryptocurrencies.
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What Is Social Engineering?

What Is Social Engineering?
In a broader sense, any kind of manipulation linked to behavioral psychology can be considered social engineering. However, the concept is not always related to criminal or fraudulent activities. In fact, social engineering is being widely used and studied in a variety of contexts, in fields like social sciences, psychology, and marketing.
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Market Makers and Market Takers Explained

Market Makers and Market Takers Explained
Markets are made up of makers and takers. The makers create buying or selling orders that aren’t carried out immediately (e.g., “sell BTC when the price hits $15k”). This creates liquidity, meaning it’s easier for others to instantly buy or sell BTC when the condition is met. The people that buy or sell instantly are called takers. In other words, the takers fill the orders created by the makers.
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Game Theory and Cryptocurrencies

Game Theory and Cryptocurrencies
Game theory is fundamental to the development of cryptocurrencies and is one of the reasons why Bitcoin managed to thrive for over a decade, despite numerous attempts to disrupt the network.
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