
Market Makers and Market Takers Explained

Market Makers and Market Takers Explained
Markets are made up of makers and takers. The makers create buying or selling orders that aren’t carried out immediately (e.g., “sell BTC when the price hits $15k”). This creates liquidity, meaning it’s easier for others to instantly buy or sell BTC when the condition is met. The people that buy or sell instantly are called takers. In other words, the takers fill the orders created by the makers.
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Game Theory and Cryptocurrencies

Game Theory and Cryptocurrencies
Game theory is fundamental to the development of cryptocurrencies and is one of the reasons why Bitcoin managed to thrive for over a decade, despite numerous attempts to disrupt the network.
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What Is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX)?

What Is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX)?
You probably know the drill with cryptocurrency exchanges. Sign up with your email, come up with a strong password, verify your account, and start trading cryptocurrency. Decentralized exchanges are like that, minus the hassle of sign-ups. In most cases, there’s no depositing or withdrawing crypto. The trade happens directly between two users’ wallets, with limited (if any!) input from a third-party.
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An Introduction to Confidential Transactions

An Introduction to Confidential Transactions
It’s often considered critical to the functioning of a blockchain that the system is transparent. This means that every node on the network can store a copy and verify that no rules are being broken. For many distributed ledgers, anyone can load up an online block explorer that allows them to search through blocks, transactions, and addresses.
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What Is Shorting in the Financial Markets?

What Is Shorting in the Financial Markets?
There are countless ways to generate profits in the financial markets. Some traders will use technical analysis, while others will invest in companies and projects using fundamental analysis. As such, you, as a trader or investor, also have many different options to create a profitable trading strategy.
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The Wyckoff Method Explained

The Wyckoff Method Explained
Данный торговый метод был разработан Ричардом Вайкоффом в начале 1930-х годов. Он состоит из ряда принципов и стратегий, изначально разработанных для трейдеров и инвесторов. Вайкофф посвятил значительную часть своего жизненного опыта для изучения поведений на рынке, и его работа до сих пор оказывает влияние на большую часть современного технического анализа (ТА). В настоящее время, метод Вайкоффа применяется ко всем видам финансовых рынков, хотя изначально он был ориентирован только на акции.
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An Introduction to The Dow Theory

An Introduction to The Dow Theory
Essentially, the Dow Theory is a framework for technical analysis, which is based on the writings of Charles Dow concerning market theory. Dow was the founder and editor of the Wall Street Journal and the co-founder of Dow Jones & Company. As part of the company, he helped create the first stock index, known as the Dow Jones Transportation Index (DJT), followed by the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).
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